Convenience, a word often heard when talking about electric scooters. The nimble little vehicle that can easily and efficiently take you across the city in no time and without congestion. When you first embrace this new environmentally friendly way of getting around, you get sold on the convenience. But sometimes they don’t really live up to it. For example, when you have to hulk that thing up a few flights of stairs to get to the office, or you have to carry that thing across the subway station for those longer multi-hauls.
Sure, the standard way of folding your scooter together and carrying it is fine for most riders, but it isn’t always optimal, especially if you suffer from some type of physical disability. Where your scooter is a trusty aid in your day to day life, but the carrying part is holding you back.
That’s why we came up with a few nice add-ons to your scooter setup that could make the carrying a lot easier. Best thing, they won’t set you back more than $20!
The Different Setups That Will Enhance Your Scooter Carrying
1. Shoulder Strap
The shoulder strap is a simple invention often found on your regular sports bag, traveling trunk, or guitar. But did you know there are carrying straps for electric scooters too?
You fold the scooter together, hook the strap onto the front and rear of your scooter, then throw that thing on your shoulder and off you go. The strap works great for longer carries, but you do have to set it up and remove it each time. Hence, for shorter distances I’d go with the grip option which is a more permanent add-on.
2. Extra Add-on Grip
For a more permanent solution to your electric scooter carrying needs you can utilize an add-on grip. They’re available in different styles from simple straps to rubbery grips that attaches onto the stem of your scooter, providing you with a comfortable handle to hold onto as you carry your folded scooter. You don’t have to worry about setup as you can just leave it mounted in place. I would argue it’s mostly convenient for people who either have a hard time gripping the scooter’s stem due to size/grip-strength or who are just going to carry the scooter for shorter distances but often.
Also Read: Great Electric Scooter Accessories For Students On Campus
Toby’s Go-To Carrying Add-ons
Handle Grip
Shoulder Strap
Having to carry your scooter is never fun, it is large piece, that weighs a lot, and no matter what you do it is going to be a bit tedious even with our fixes. But what we can do is find a simple way to improve the ergonomics and make it easier on your body.
With a good grip or a shoulder strap we can take a bit of the fun killing out of the equation. And it’s pretty darn cheap to do so too. Above you have excellent solutions to your scooter carrying needs whether you need a permanent or occasional solution. Remember that these solutions won’t work for the really heavy performance models, but anything below 40 lbs like your average commuter will benefit a lot.