Extensive testing, in-depth research, and unparalleled experience. That is what we promise our readers of our buying guides/comparisons, we're about to do a ...
As a college student, you have a full schedule—lectures to attend, homework that needs to be done, and parties you just cannot miss. However, sometimes, the ...
So you’re looking for an electric scooter capable of covering those longer distances?Fret not my fellow ride junkie because we have tested over 200 of the ...
So you’re looking to give a lucky kid the thrill and excitement that is an electric scooter? Then you’re at the right place. Not only have we hands-on tested ...
With over 200 electric rides tested to date, this is our largest undertaking yet. Finding the ultimate electric scooter in every single category. Because ...
When it comes to electric scooters, every detail counts, and tire pressure is no exception. Having the accurate PSI (pounds per square inch) for your ...
In the world of electric scooters, one type of tire reigns supreme: the pneumatic tire. It is by far the most commonly used tire on todays popular e-scooter ...
As you zip around the city on your electric scooter, with wind blowing in your hair, mindlessly and effortlessly going from one place to the other. Have you ...
When you buy an electric scooter, one of the first things you usually look at is the advertised speed and range the scooter is capable of delivering. However, ...
We’ve had the fortune to test the Segway Ninebot P100S for quite some time now. In this review we’ll let you know what we as real riders liked, what we ...
The Segway Ninebot P65, a middle-class champion in the Segway P-series, stands out as a robust commuter scooter with a sleek and modern design. During our ...
It's the most wonderful time of the year—for anyone in search of a stellar deal on an electric scooter! Yes, the grand Christmas shopping months are upon ...